Stay invisible to anti-bot solutions like DataDome or Cloudflare and prevent CAPTCHAs with Kameleo Automation.
REQUEST FREE TRIALKameleo: Your secret weapon for web scraping, where the browser becomes a digital chameleon, captivating websites with the appearance of a real human.
Bid farewell to the hurdles of CAPTCHA blocks that often plague your automated browsers.
Explore Junglefox and Chroma, our proprietary browsers designed for professional web scrapers.
Effortlessly manage profiles across devices, boosting efficiency for successful web scraping projects without financial setbacks.
Kameleo Automation allows simultaneous running of as many browser profiles as needed, simplifying testing for multiple projects.
Seamlessly integrate across diverse automation frameworks, breaking free from limitations with our solution—compatible with Selenium, Puppeteer, and Playwright.
Expert-level guidance available on GitHub for efficient automation, perfect for experienced web scrapers.
Unlock the potential of our Anti-Detect Browser Platform, simplifying virtual browser profile management and enhancing your privacy by altering your browser fingerprint. Overcome challenges such as reCAPTCHAs and anti-bot measures effortlessly.
Explore the versatility of Kameleo Local API, providing a local API upon starting Kameleo on your PC. Seamlessly integrate with your preferred automation frameworks, including Selenium, Puppeteer, or Playwright. Our platform ensures your anonymity, preventing websites from detecting automation tools.
Explore the versatility of Kameleo Local API, providing a local API upon starting Kameleo on your PC. Seamlessly integrate with your preferred automation frameworks, including Selenium, Puppeteer, or Playwright. Our platform ensures your anonymity, preventing websites from detecting automation tools.
Delve into our comprehensive developer documentation, offering step-by-step guidance for a flexible and user-friendly experience. Learn best practices, explore recommendations, and maximize the potential of Kameleo for your unique needs.
Launch Kameleo CLI.exe, import the local API client library into your preferred coding tool, and effortlessly communicate with Kameleo to set up your automations.
Tailor your secure virtual browsing profile to meet specific requirements. Seamlessly integrate Kameleo with your chosen automation tool, such as Selenium, for a quick project kickoff.
Ensure your protective measures work by testing on websites like Pixelscan or Cloudflare, which detect bots. Feel confident that your web scraping project can handle invisible CAPTCHAs and anti-bot measures effectively.
Choose semi-annual billing and get 15% OFF!
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For usage limits check out licensing details. For team discounts, please contact our Support Team.
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