Kameleo 2.7: Engine updates and improvements

June 1, 2022

It’s been a while since we’ve sent you an update on Kameleo. We know you’re busy, so we won’t keep you long. But we do want to make sure you’re aware of our latest Kameleo 2.7 update — which is why this post is going out now!

Improvements 🙌

  • Improved profile start and stop speed to make you work more efficiently
  • Reduced each saved profile size by a few MBs
  • Reduced the installer size by 35%
  • Updated Google Chrome engine to version 101
  • Updated our custom-build Firefox engine to version 99
  • Updated our custom-built Chromium engine to version 101

Bug Fixes 🐛

  • Fixed Selenium driver detection issues for Edge and Google Chrome launcher
  • Fixed Spotify compatibility issues when using the Google Chrome engine
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the profile notes from saving
  • Fixed not correctly initialized default settings when launching a new profile
We hope you enjoy this latest update! We’ve been working hard to make Kameleo even better for you, and based on your feedback, we have made significant improvements. Give it a try, and let us know what you think!

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Kameleo Team

Our team consists of IT security experts, professional developers, and privacy enthusiasts who always searching better ways for browser fingerprint protection and developing innovative tools for browser automation and web scraping.